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EMPOWER your child TODAY by registering  for our CODE100Club programme.
Let’s get started!
What location would you like to register in?

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Learning to code is similar to the art of learning a new language. In order to excel and become fluent, commitment, repeated exercise and continuous immersion is required. Through our project-based, age-appropriate and meticulously crafted termly curriculum, children build a solid foundation of computational thinking and acquire industry-ready STEM, coding, and design thinking skills.

In an increasingly technological world, our CODE100Club programme empower children with the skills and confidence they need to explore their creativity, take pride in their creations and pursue their interests. This programme enables children to develop as Computational Thinkers through coding. Clubs are held in a variety of locations such as:

-Museums and many more

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Whichever location you opt for, CODE100Club runs on an annual basis, similar to primary schools’ academic year calendar. As the name implies, each session runs for 100 minutes. There are 10 sessions per term, giving a total of 30 sessions within an academic year. This implies that children get a whopping 3,000 minutes of learning, exploring and discovering the ‘Super Power’ of coding in a new light every single time for only £269.99 a year!

Termly payments are also acceptable at the rate of £99.99 for parents who might wish to trial for a term first before committing to a full year programme.
Through our teaching experience, we know that children love rewards. Therefore, we use different items such as stickers and certificates as motivational tools. In addition, every academic year, children have a ‘Title’ which they strive to achieve by the end of the year. There are 3 levels involved for the full achievement of a ‘Title’. For example, this academic year, children will be working towards being bestowed the title of the ‘Ultimate CODEStroNAUT’. In order to achieve this title, children would need to have passed Levels 1, 2 and 3.

Children have so much fun that they hardly realize they’re learning at all.We do appreciate that it is an after-school / holiday club and so we ensure that fun and new experiences are at the core of what we do.

Aside from the regular termly or annual programme, we also run holiday code clubs at various locations. Likewise, we hold some free events during school holidays. We will update necessary information when they become available.

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What is included in the fees?

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  • Access to relevant software and gadgets
  • Lifelong coding skills
  • Awareness, Development and Implementation of Computational Thinking skills
  • 100 minutes a week of exploring the limitless power of technology!


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What do I need to attend?

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We ask for nothing other than:

  • Curiosity
  • Enthusiasm
  • Willingness to Experiment
  • Fully-charged laptops
