Why Should Kids Code?

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For so many years, there have been speculations about the fact that improvement in technological capabilities will lead to job losses. In recent years, the impact of inevitable advancement in technology is already having a significant effect on jobs as more and more jobs continue to be lost to automation.

This is only the beginning as there is no limit to the innovative capabilities of technology.

With Technology and Computational Thinking regarded as the No 1 skill which will ensure secure future workplace marketability by experts, there is no better time to safeguard the future of children than now.

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Coding is a fundamental skill which promotes children’s development as Computational Thinkers, ensuring they are better prepared for today’s world and especially, the future. It is a skill that empowers, and one that every child should be aware of and develop competence in.

Undoubtedly, introducing children to coding is a crucial investment in their future as it is a must-have skill of the 21st century.

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  • Anyone can code, and it builds self-confidence, generally. You don’t need to be academically gifted to code, all you need is the willingness to experiment.
  • It teaches storytelling via games and animations. It makes children think about story structure, and what works to interest them, and thus an audience. Time and again, children who do not usually write become fully-engaged, making great efforts to write speeches for their animated character in a coding project.
  • It empowers children, giving them the tools to express themselves in new ways and this is not limited to Computing, but other subjects too.
  • On the internet, 90% of users consume content, 9% interact with it, and only 1% create new content. Children who code become a part of the 1%!
  • The logical thinking involved in coding supports many principles involved in maths, and can be used to encourage kids to think mathematically.

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    • Learning to code teaches children problem solving and critical or analytical thinking skills, and these can be applied across the curriculum.
    • It is a new literacy, and will be a vital part of the future world after school. Countless projections indicate that programmers will be in great demand as our reliance on technology increases further.
    • It develops teamwork and collaboration. The tasks of storyboarding, design, coding, artwork, testing, debugging, and feedback can be split between the members of the team. We encourage coders to get positive feedback from others to improve their work, as a fresh pair of eyes can often see something that they did not.
    • Children love playing computer games, and coding harnesses that enthusiasm in a creative way, to make something new. Why just play games when you can write them?
    • Above all, coding is FUN!

We have yet to meet a child who is not transfixed once they can make a character move, talk and interact with others[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row full_width=”stretch_row” wrap_container=”yes” text_align=”center” is_section=”yes” section_skin=”parallax” remove_margin_top=”yes” remove_margin_bottom=”yes” remove_border=”yes” bg_type=”image” parallax_style=”vcpb-vz-jquery” bg_image_new=”id^40|url^http://www.computationalthinkers.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/testimonial-parallax-bg.jpg|caption^null|alt^null|title^testimonial-parallax-bg|description^null” css=”.vc_custom_1509375387563{background-color: #fbf9f3 !important;}”][vc_column width=”1/12″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”5/6″][porto_carousel stage_padding=”0″ margin=”10″ items=”1″ items_lg=”1″ items_md=”1″ items_sm=”1″ items_xs=”1″ el_class=”wedding-messages m-t-md p-t-xlg p-b-md”][porto_testimonial view=”transparent” style=”testimonial-style-2″ remove_border=”yes” name=”Barack Obama” el_class=”custom-wedding-quotes” name_color=”#ffffff” company=”US President ” role_company_color=”#ffffff” quote_color=”#ffffff”]Don’t play on your phone, program it.[/porto_testimonial][porto_testimonial view=”transparent” style=”testimonial-style-2″ remove_border=”yes” name=”Steve Jobs” el_class=”custom-wedding-quotes” name_color=”#ffffff” company=”Founder of Apple ” role_company_color=”#ffffff” quote_color=”#ffffff”]Everybody in this country should learn to program a computer, because it teaches you how to think.[/porto_testimonial][porto_testimonial view=”transparent” style=”testimonial-style-2″ remove_border=”yes” name=”Willium” el_class=”custom-wedding-quotes” name_color=”#ffffff” company=”XXX” role_company_color=”#ffffff” quote_color=”#ffffff”]We all depend on technology to communicate, to bank, and none of us know how to read and write code![/porto_testimonial][/porto_carousel][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/12″][/vc_column][/vc_row]