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EMPOWER your child TODAY by registering  for our CODE100Club programme.
Let’s get started!
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Considering the workload and lack of computing background knowledge of most primary teachers, it is practically impossible to expect that suddenly, schools will have the necessary skills required to implement the New Computing Curriculum painlessly. Despite all efforts by organisations such as CAS, Barefoot and others, teachers are still reluctant and highly sceptical of their ability to deliver to its specifications. This lack of confidence is evidenced by the traditional rote learning approaches still adopted by many schools, with children not been taught the right skills for the world of tomorrow.

Often, the few teachers who have good level of confidence in their delivery of the National Curriculum do feel frustrated as they feel restrained by the curriculum. This sense of restraint transcends unfortunately unto the children, impeding their ability to unleash their creativity. To complicate matters further, schools are normally expected to meet all these requirements with no additional budget set aside to ensure its achievement!

Luckily, here at Computational Thinkers, we are not constrained by the National Curriculum and so we are able to offer a number of projects that promote various aspects of Computational Thinking beyond the specifications of the National Curriculum, in a fun and interactive way.

We aim to develop 21st century children and teachers who are able to keep up and provide them with what they need to thrive within that world.
Also, remember that your child will get a whopping 3,000 minutes of face to face learning, exploring and discovering the ‘Super Power’ of coding in a new light every single time for only £269.99 a year!

Termly payments are also acceptable at the rate of £99.99.
Included in the fees are:
–    Access to relevant software and gadgets
–    Lifelong coding skills
–    Awareness, Development, and Implementation of Computational Thinking skills
–    100 minutes a week of exploring the limitless power of technology!

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Want to SECURE your child’s place in the FUTURE MARKETPLACE?
Want to make your child:

  • a MASTER of their own FUTURE?
  • a CREATOR?

EMPOWER your child TODAY by registering  for our CODE100Club programme.
Learn more about coding and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics), and be informed of the latest club launches, free events and more by subscribing to our mailing list.

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Is My Child Too Young to Start Learning To Code?

Like a foreign language, coding skills are best learned at an early age. Once children are confident in applying the type of thinking required to break down and solve a coding problem, it becomes easy for them to learn other more advanced coding languages they might come across. Skills gained in our CODE100Club lay the foundation that children need to succeed in later stages of education and beyond.

In fact, such is our belief in the early start approach that we are now working towards making our provision available to children much younger than 8 years old.
